Those We Leave Behind

Author/designer: Barron Burnham

"It's all fine to say, 'Time will heal everything, this too shall pass away. People will forget'-and things like that when you are not involved, but when you are there is no passage of time, people do not forget and you are in the middle of something that does not change." 

-John Steinbeck, Cannery Row 

This prototype focuses on the aftermath of the death of a loved one, grief, and, ultimately, the healing process. As such, this should not be considered as a traditional game, but instead as an experimental game or an experience.  While having a continuous and streamlined narrative, the game is ultimately tumultuous in its execution, reflecting the differing emotions and moods present during the grieving process. Within these moods, different objects and places develop their own psychogeograhpical relationships with the protagonist, expanding and changing throughout the course of the game. This implementation of psychogeography was inspired by Geography of Robots' Norco, which utilized a similar concept in the form of a "Mind Map." 

The game is not designed to be a definitive portrayal of grief, but rather one way grief can manifest itself within a person.  

Trigger Warning: This game deals entirely with the aftermath of the death of a loved one, specifically a death caused by terminal cancer. If this subject matter is potentially triggering to you, it is advised to proceed with caution or to not play this game.

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